Yeah, I know. It's been longer than the length of Kim Kardashian's wedding since I last posted a blog. In my defense, I've been busily working on THE DIVINERS, which has been moved up and is now coming out September 18th. Woot!

I promise to get back to a more regular blogging schedule very soon. I have much to talk about where THE DIVINERS is concerned. So many fun things. All will be revealed. Mwahahahaha!!!*

But in the meantime, I have an exciting and fun contest to announce: I am giving away a brand-spanking new copy of Robin Wasserman's most excellent THE BOOK OF BLOOD AND SHADOW, which comes out next Tuesday, April 10th.

I am in love with this book. TOTAL. LOVE. If you took all of the things I love to read about–conspiracy, academia, secret societies, dodgy-but-possibly-not-dodgy-or-possibly-dodgy-to-the-point-of-being-killers people, history, magic, the supernatural, travel, non-cookie cutter romance, mystery, high stakes, and smart people–you would have this awesome book. I mean really, the only thing it's missing is taxidermy. (Robin, I demand a sequel: THE BOOK OF BLOOD AND SHADOW AND DEAD HAMSTERS ON THE MANTEL!) 

I love this book the way I love Donna Tartt's THE SECRET HISTORY and Katherine Neville's THE EIGHT (both excellent books and the best comparison I can come up with). Liz Burns of School Library Journal calls it, "Dan Brown meets Indiana Jones." And in a starred review, Publishers Weekly said, "Readers who enjoy fast-paced, bloody, historically inflected thrillers…will be riveted." 

Next week, I will host the fabulous and fabulously smart Robin Wasserman (did I mention she went to Harvard? Haaah-vaaahrd?) on this blog next Monday. But for now–right this red-hot second–you can enter to win a copy of THE BOOK OF BLOOD AND SHADOW for your very own.

How? I'm so glad you asked. 


1. Submit your question for Robin in the comments section below. Really, any question at all. Well, maybe not, "What were the results of your last pap smear?" That seems a bit personal.
2. I will choose some of your questions to include in my interview with Robin which is NEXT MONDAY, APRIL 9TH.
3. Then, I will put all of your questions into my super-fancy-technologically-advanced-created-through-alien-technology-stolen-from NORAD hat, mix them around while singing a Cher song, and pull out one lucky winner. This is democracy, folks. This is how the next election is going to work. You heard it here, first.
4. Lucky winner will be announced on the blog with the interview with TheFabulousAndFabulouslySmartRobinWasserman(TM) NEXT MONDAY, APRIL 9TH. 
5. Winner will then scream, jump up and down, kiss a random stranger, and make the obligatory Taylor Swift, "OMG, Me?" surprised face. Then s/he will send relevant address deets to Robin c/o . Easy peasy.

So, stay tuned. And send those questions in 3…2…1…NOW!

* By "all", I mean some. I'm not good with math. This might explain why when someone says, "Would you like some pie?" I say "Yes!" and take the whole thing. This might also explain my dearth of dessert invitations.