I was going to do a festive post for the collective ChrisKwanzMakuhStice holidays, but life, she sometimes goes crazily awry. The house we were going to buy here in Brooklyn went to somebody else even though we had an accepted offer. (Only in New York City does “accepted offer” really mean “unless somebody with more cash comes in” which is what happened.) Big bummer. That was several stress-filled weeks for nada. We’ve got till about mid-March to find and buy a house before we are up the proverbial creek. Keep thinking those good house karma thoughts, folks. Otherwise, you might find us sleeping on your couch or wandering into your kitchen with serious bed head and asking if you have any Cheerios.
And then, sadly, my grandmother died on Friday. It was not unexpected–she was 98 and had lived a full life. But still, it is hard to say goodbye. I am flying down to Atlanta in a few hours for her funeral on Monday. I spent yesterday writing a eulogy which was nice, actually. It was lovely to remember all those special things about her. She had a bit of Scarlett O’Hara about her. Irish, southern, beautiful, and sly. I fly back to NYC Monday night and we all fly to Texas on Tuesday morning to spend Christmas with Mom. Tex Mex, here we come. Ho, ho, ho-yeah, baby.
I hope I get to see some movies while I’m on vacation. At the top of my list is “Brokeback Mountain” though I somehow doubt that will be on the marquee in Denton, Texas. Have to wait till I get back here to see it. I want to see “King Kong.” I am prepared for my butt to fall asleep since it’s three hours long. I want to see “Pride and Prejudice” but might have to settle for renting it.
I hope you all have a merry merry and a happy happy and I promise to post between Christmas and New Year’s.
By the way, you all RULE for your song suggestions. I started downloading like a fiend and now my playlist is taking shape. Hopefully the novel will soon, too.
Here’s to peace. Still a good idea.