Ever have one of those days…?

Yesterday, whilst writing and simultaneously eating lunch (always dicey given my motor skills), I bit into a sandwich and promptly felt a distinctly wrong crunch that had nothing to do with chicken and cheese. It was, in fact, my tooth, which had broken off and was...

Internet. I haz it. I hopes.

I am now the proud (desperate?) owner of something called an airport. I don’t know whether I got O’Hare or LaGuardia. And does this mean my emails will circle endlessly, waiting to land, and I will have a leg cramp and no pretzels to show for it all?...

Maureen and Libba on YouTube, Part Dos

It’s official: My Internet hates me. My Internet just isn’t that into me. My Internet wants to break up but, just like some guys I’ve dated, it’s going to do it in a slow, sadistic, maybe-I’ll-talk-to-you-today-maybe-I-won’t...


We have a new kitten. She is made of magic and fur and cuteness. I love her. Even when she attacks my toes and tries to eat them, I love her. Even when she crawls along the back of the sofa and jumps onto my head with her claws fully out, I love her. Even when she...

Readings in NYC this week!

Thanks for all your sympathies on the bird poop story. I have to admit, when it happened—well, after the skeeve factor—I laughed and laughed. It was pretty funny. In an icky, I-have-poo-on-my-head sort of way. I have been remiss in letting folks in the NYC area know...