Why zombies can make for annoying friends

They never pick up the tab. Ever.Seriously nasty table manners.  Bad pet sitters: "Thanks for looking after my cat. Ummm…where IS my cat?" Will occasionally try to eat you during sporting events.Epic cheaters at Scrabble. For the record,...

Signings. And Possible Singings.

 Hey Peeps,Just want to let you know that I have two events this week at two really wonderful indie bookstores in Connecticut and Brooklyn. Here are the deets: TUESDAY, MAY 12TH, 7:00 PM (aka Tonight!) RJ JULIA’S BOOKSELLERS768 Boston Post...

You are here. Here is good.

 I’ve been asked why I make an iPod playlist for everything I write. And the answer is that for me, music is often a great help in getting into a story. It helps me to get beyond the shackles of my conscious self and submerge into my unconscious where the...

Tuesday 4/28 LIVE on There.com!

Pssst! Hey. Hey you. Yes, you! What are you doing tomorrow night? Washing your hair? Seeing if you can teach your cat French? Bedazzling your medical mask so you can avoid the swine flu in style? Well, forget all that. Because tomorrow night, do you know where...

Dream your dreams

 I was rating about an 11 on the grumpy meter this morning. So the hubby, knowing that I am an absolute root-for-the-underdog sap of the first order, sent me this link. Total goosepimples and a bit o’ the old misty eyes as well. I love this...