The Birthday Blog

March 11th has rolled around again, signaling that it’s time for the annual birthday blog. One of my favorite cheesy things to do on my birthday is read a gazillion of those “You Born Today” thingies. My mom always sends me the one from my hometown newspaper...

The Middle Mile

I’m racing down the final stretch of the first draft of BEAUTY QUEENS. Well, that’s optimistic. I WISH I were racing. More like limping while dragging a large slab of beef wrapped in chains. (Don’t ask me where that image came from. I have not, to my knowledge, ever...

I am coming for your appliances. You are warned.

Yesterday, I nearly killed Holly Black’s coffee pot. It began to wheeze and fill up at the top with brown water and refused to drip actual coffee into the carafe. Somehow I had managed to clog it up and my repeated attempts at resuscitating it were unsuccessful. Like...

The Michael L. Printz Award

When I was five years old, my mother asked me what I’d like to be when I grew up. “Queen of England,” I answered. After all, her name was Elizabeth. My name was Elizabeth. LOVED her wardrobe. She had me at tiara. “You can’t be Queen of England,” Mom said. “You have to...