Where is my dream burrito?

Where is my dream burrito?

I had the weirdest dream this weekend. I dreamed I had been nominated for an Oscar. (Yeah, I know—I’m laughing as I type it.) Apparently, it was a big surprise to dream me, too. Some people showed up at my house and told me I needed to get ready for a photo shoot at...

Guest Post: Cynthia Leitich Smith

Happy New Year…on, um, January 25th. Yeah. Been stuck in a wormhole. I have much to catch you up on in another day or two! But for now, I am nursing a lulu of a sinus infection. Ugh. So instead of hearing me whine about my mucus (yum!), you have the pleasure of...

World AIDS Day

On World AIDS Day, I usually repost this blog I wrote in 2010 about losing both my father and my good friend, Norbert, to AIDS. This year, I’d also suggest that you read David Levithan’s beautiful TWO BOYS KISSING and watch the excellent documentary, HOW...

Turkey! Of! Terror!

Happy Thanksgiving, folks. Om-nom-noms. I’m typing this from the comfort of my couch (thankful) where I am currently channel surfing between the James Bond marathon on Syfy and the Buffy marathon on Chiller. (doubly thankful) Oh, modern dilemmas. Or...

Your mileage may vary

Recently, I received a post that really got under my skin. It’s from Fiona (Hi, Fiona). I started to dash off a reply and then I thought that it required a much longer, more considered answer. With her permission, I’m reprinting her original comment below...